Hermit Crabs Make Good Pets

Many would look at hermit crabs as just another gold fish type of pet. They just live in a tank for a week and then just die. If you get tired of it, throw it out. However, they are so much more. Hermit crabs make good pets.

Yes, hermit crabs are not cuddly dogs or cats. You aren’t going to hold them in your hand like a hamster or guinea pig. They won’t fly around the house and make cute little sounds. Rather, hermit crabs prefer to stay in their enclosure and have a great time digging and climbing. What is it about a hermit crab that makes them suitable pets?

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Hermit Crabs Are Social

Hermit crabs may not run around your house, but are social animals. They like to be with other crabs and with time will come near to their owners. Many times the enclosure will be set up one way only for them to rearrange it later in the day. Kids enjoy seeing crabs move around and just have a good time. With the right size enclosure, they can live for many years.

In addition to being social, the cost of ownership is low compared to other pets, there are some things that you will have to get such as: food, tank, substrate, and a heater. However, these are mostly upfront costs. The rest will be spent on food and, if you are really into it, accessories for your little friends.

Do Hermit Crabs Fight?

Hermit crabs are territorial and will fight in small enclosures. To avoid the risk of hermit crabs fighting, get a bigger aquarium. It is recommended that hermit crabs have at least 5 gallons of tank space per crab. Trying to fit too many in a tight enclosure and not having enough substrate will result in hermit crabs fighting.

What is Molting?

Molting is when hermit crabs shed their outer skin usually twice a year. When a hermit crab is molting, you will notice it will become less active, won’t eat, drink excessive amount of water, and may even burrow. This is normal behavior and it does not harm them. It takes several weeks for the molting process to complete.

Hermit Crabs Make Good Pets

Hermit crabs are distinct in what they offer as a pet, but it is that uniqueness that make them a fun pet. It’s fun setting up the tank and it’s fun seeing they change shells. These are very lovely creatures that with the proper care will last for years.

To learn more about hermit crabs, please continue to browse this website where we cover everything from essential items to frequently asked questions.

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