What to Know Before Buying a Hermit Crab for Your Child

In previous articles, we spoke about how good of a pet hermit crabs are. While not cuddly like dogs or cats, or holdable like a hamster or guinea pig, they are social animals that are fun to watch. But what if your child wants one. What should you know before buying a hermit crab for your child?

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Hermit Crabs are Best Seen and Not Touched

When a child gets a pet, they no doubt want to hold and pet it. While hermit crabs can be held, they do prefer not to. They are not aggressive, but will pinch if handled. People have stated that this pinch is very painful. So we have made the decision not to handle our hermit crabs.

Hermit crabs are also looked at by many as a good first pet. Inexperienced people think that they can be dropped in a tank and left alone. Some even look at it as a throwaway pet. However, hermit crabs, while good first pets, are real animals that deserve proper care. So while they might be shown in beach stores almost like a souvenir, they should not be treated as such.

They Require Proper Care

As with any animal, hermit crabs require proper care. Several of the things you will need include:

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With that in mind, this should not be treated as a cheap pet or as a quick fix. This will require that you teach your child to care for it and that as a parent you work with them in caring for it.

Are Hermit Crabs Good For Kids?

Hermit crabs are good for kids provided that they are properly cared for. According to PetHelpful.com, reasons include:

  • They’re not aggressive—friendly and fun if handled properly.
  • They are disease-free—they do not carry human diseases, and do not need to go to the vet.
  • They are hypo-allergenic, meaning they’re a safe pet for children with allergies.
  • They have a long lifespan, so hermit crabs can grow with your child.
  • They have a small appetite, which means very low food and supplement costs.
  • No live food is required and dried, and fresh foods are easier to keep.

Additionally, children will love watching them move around.

Before buying a hermit crab for your child, be sure to buy everything you need for the hermit crabs. To learn more about hermit crabs, please continue to browse this website where we cover everything from essential items to frequently asked questions.